viernes, 27 de junio de 2014

How To Use Keyword Planner- Keyword Tool From Google Adwords

Search traffic for any website/blog can be a large thing of consideration. People creates their websites/blog by spending a large amount of money but forgets to learn about SEO. They are not able to write post about those keywords which are having huge search traffic and happens what? obviously lack of search visits. But do you know its Google who always cares for you. Here's a
tool to help you that is Google Keyword Planner. You can't even think of getting traffic without good keyword research and then writing about them only. 
How To Use Keyword Planner- Keyword Tool From Google Adwords
Google Keyword Tool

So What Is A Keyword Planner ?
The Keyword Planner is a more focused version of the Google Keyword Tool and AdWords Traffic Estimator Tool. The main purpose of Keyword Planner is just to make the users know about a Keyword's growing popularity. It shows about total monthly searches means search volume and an estimated amount of visitors which you will get per day through that keyword. You can easily capture which keywords have low-volume searches, also create hundreds of keyword combinations in seconds. 

The Thing That Is Important !
This tool is designed with AdWords advertisers in mind. So there will be lots of features which will not be useful for you like Bidding Feature
So just be calm and take as much as you can from Google's Keyword Planner.

How To Use It?
Using Keyword Planner is not a tough task if you will give some for the first time. But you are reading my post at this time so I am making it easier for you by explaining you step by step so you will not need to make efforts.

Step #1: Access The Google Keyword Planner
In order to use Keyword Planner just go to Google's Keyword Planner. Just go here

Google Keyword Planner
Google Keyword Planner
Step #2: Sign In
Just Sign In with your registered account.

Sign In
Sign In

 Step #3: Four Tools
After Signing In you will be taken to four different tools within the Google Keyword Planner ( under "What would you like to do?")

Keyword Planner Four Tools
Four Tools

You will only need to use these 3 tools for Keyword research:

  • Search for new keyword and ad group ideas.
  • Get search volume for a list of keywords or group them into ad groups.
  • Multiply keyword to get new keyword ideas.

Note: - The 4th one "Get traffic estimates for a list of keywords" is only for AdWords advertisers so you don't need to use it.

Step #4: Choose Desired Tool
Here i am going to show you how to use these three tools so you can optimize for SEO. 

1. Search For New Keyword And Ad Group Ideas
Perfect tool to find new keywords. When you will choose "Search For New Keyword And Ad Group Ideas" a menu will appear with some options.

New Keyword Ad Group Ideas
New Keyword Ad Group Ideas

Let's talk about each of them.
Your product or service: -
This is actually a list of keywords. You don’t want to enter a broad industry keyword like “flowers” (despite what the tool suggests) or you’ll end up with a list of super-competitive Head Keywords. I recommend entering 1-3 keywords here, each in a slightly different Niche Market. Following our example from The Introduction, you’d want to enter terms like “free throws” and “basketball accessories” here.

Your landing page: -
This is for advertisers but you can find a good list of keywords by pasting your website URL or your articles.

Your product category: -
Here you can enter what your website/blog is all about. Just write some words which tells about your website/blog's service or choose from the available ones.

Targeting: -
Target is all about country, language and search engine on which you want to search the keywords volume. These targets are set to US as default but you can change it if you want any other country's results. Negative keywords are keywords that you don’t want to advertise on. This is another feature that only applies to AdWords.

Data range: -
This option is all about for how much time's results do you want, if you want keyword search volume of  1 month then you can set it according to your need.

Customize your search: -
Keyword filters: This simply allows you to filter out keywords that don’t meet a set of criteria. For example, let’s say that you weren’t interested in any keywords with less than 2000 monthly searches. Just click anywhere on the “Keyword filters” box and enter your minimum monthly search volume:

Average Monthly Searches
Average Monthly Searches
Keyword options: Here you can customize which keywords you want to hide in your account and much more.

Include/Exclude: Here you have two options either you can include only those keywords about which you will write in first box or you can exclude those keywords about which you will write in second box.

2. Get search volume for a list of keywords or group them into ad groups
Here you can find search volume of one keyword or a list of keywords. You can either copy and paste a list of keywords into the search field or upload your list in a CSV file.

Get Search Volume Of Keywords
Get Search Volume Of Keywords

Look ! i have found search volume of the word "AdWords"

Search Volume Of Keyword Adwords
Search Volume Of Keyword AdWords
You can check on your own its showing around 18 lakhs searches just for one month. You can also check out the competition of that keyword, it simply mean that how many websites/blogs have written about it. It is showing medium competition so there will be a huge measure of websites/blogs who have written for this. So it is preferred that you go for those keywords which are having low competition.

3. Multiply keyword lists to get new keyword ideas
This tool takes a list of keywords and mashes them to produce hundreds of combinations. This is the best way for the e-commerce websites to find out every possibility that their users search.

Enter a list of keywords into "List 1"

List 1
List 1
 Add some more in "List 2"

List 2
List 2
You can add another by simply clicking on cross sign next to List 2 and add some keywords in that. After adding keywords click on Get Volume Search and you will be having monthly volume search.

New Keywords Idea By Multiple Keywords
New Keywords Idea By Multiple Keywords

So it was a simple ans step by step guide to Google Keyword Planner, just go through it and find out what more you can do it with it to increase search visits to your blog or website.

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