jueves, 17 de julio de 2014

10 Methods To Increase Alexa Ranking Of Your Blog/Website

With the improvement in technology day by day businesses have taken up online marketing. People now prefer to advertise through fastest growing technology internet. One of the best method of online marketing is creating a website and publish your content on it. Now there are different ways of attracting traffic like link building; you will need to link your website with high quality post and many more ways. Then the question arises in mind that how I will come to know about how much traffic I am getting ? Is it increasing or not? the answer to all these questions is Alexa. 
Increase Alexa Rank
Increase Alexa Rank

What Is Alexa.com?
It is a website monetization strategy which ranks your website according to the traffic you are getting. 

What Is Alexa Ranking And How it Works?
This is a ranking system set by alexa.com (An Amazon's Product) that basically audits and makes public the frequency of visits on various websites. The process through which Alexa traffic rank is calculated, is simple. it is based on the amount of traffic recorded by the users who have installed Alexa toolbar over a period of three months. In simple terms, Alexa traffic rank is a rough measure of a website's popularity, compared with all the other available on the internet. 

Is Alexa Ranking Worth Anything?
After Google's PageRank, Alexa can be a competitive tool to measure a site's popularity. If your Alexa rank is increasing , then you are getting traffic from bloggers which will help you a lot in boosting  your earnings. As you now know your rank will increase with this factor; how many users have installed Alexa toolbar and have visited your blog/website. But not everybody has the installed Alexa toolbar so there might be chance that your site may not be ranked higher. 

How To Increase Alexa Ranking? 
If you want to increase your Alexa ranking then just have to follow these simple tips listed here :

10 Methods To Increase Alexa Rank

1. Claim Your Blog/Website :-
To gain full control over your site, just claim it on alexa.com. So others will know about who owns it and also about the site description. It will help you a lot in ranking your blog/website higher. You can simply register on alexa.com and your first month will be free of cost then you can apply for any of the upgrade plan available.

2. Install Alexa Toolbar :-
Install alexa toolbar on your browser and also ask your friends, visitors to install on their browser.

Read Also :- How To Use Keyword Planner - Keyword Tool From Google Adwords

3. Put Alexa Widget On Your Blog :-
Add alexa widget on your blog, it will help your blog/website higher. The reason of putting Alexa widget on your blog is that whenever users having installed Alexa toolbar on their browser will visit your blog, Alexa will know about it and it will increase your blog/website ranking to a large extent.

4. Write Quality Post :-
Useful and high quality post will help you a lot to increase your Alexa ranking. Write only those posts which have high search volume and also content should be unique. Don't ever try to think about copying any content from somewhere. This is not going to help you in any way because Google will not index it or by chance if it will be indexed then your post will never rank higher in search engine.  

Write some post about webmaster related and share it on webmaster forums and social networking websites to get a decent amount of traffic.

5. Write A Review About Alexa On your Blog/Website :-
Write some good quality posts about and then link it back to alexa.com. It will help you to gain trust of Alexa. Whenever you will get visitors on that posts, your alexa linking will help you a lot to rank higher.

6. Update Your Blog/Website Regularly :-
One of the best method to increase your ranking is, regularly update your blog. Plan a schedule about post writing and just go with that. It is strongly recommended to write frequently to increase your alexa rank otherwise it will go down and it becomes very hard to bring back your alexa again. 

7. Link Building :-
Comment on other blogs which are under the niche Blogging and Technology with good traffic and link back to your blog. In this way build more links from blogs with good traffic because backlinks are crucial as you might have noticed that alexa even calculates the number of backlinks you have.

8. Use Social Network :-
Try to get your post on social networking websites like digg.com, stumbleupon.com.

9. Optimize Your Blog/Website :-
Optimize your blog/website for alexa related keyword. It will increase linking of alexa.com in your blog. 

10. Use Alexa Redirect :-
This means placing http://redirect.alexa.com/redirect? in front of your Web site's URL. Thus, Alexa will even take into consideration clicks on redirected links even if the visitor does not have the Alexa toolbar.

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