At present if you want to be secure on the internet then its essential that your computer should be secure. A person can't surf securely on the internet if viruses, spywares and malwares are installed on his or her system. This era is of technology, now a day anything you want in online. If you will say that I want to shop then it's online, if you say I want to transfer funds in a account then it's also online. In this way it becomes our prime duty to be secure. Internet security not only involves browser security but also network security also.
There are many paths which you will have to follow regarding your computer and internet safety. With that in mind I have found a list of internet safety tips & tricks or internet security tips & tricks which are easy to implement but are often ignored by us.
10. Enable Your Firewall
Some of my readers might be unaware about firewall. What is Firewall? This question might be arising if you have read first tip to improve your security. Basically firewall is a system that has rights to control incoming and outgoing network traffic based on the applied rule set (Wikipedia). A firewall establishes a barrier between a trusted, secure internal network and another network (e.g., the internet) that is assumed not to be secure and trusted.
Firewall is one of the best internet safety tips. If you are using firewall on your system then you are stopping people to enter in your computer from outside your location. A firewall stops software and all those programs accessing internet from your system. All the computers and laptops come with firewall. Firewall is active as default but you should regularly check for it.
2. Now look for Turn Windows Firewall on or off.
3. Open this option and then enable your firewall if it's disabled.
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9. Use Of Password
Password is a must thing if we are talking about security. If you shop often online then it's essential that your account password should not be this much simple that anyone can hack it easily. It's always advised that you must create separate passwords for every account that you make online. Use of strong password minimizes the risk up to 50-60%. A strong password should be a mix up of alpha numeric capitals and special characters. Such as 98Po245??RT can be an example of strong password. Make your password this much strong that it can't be break easily.
8. Encrypt Files
Encrypting of files increases your safety and you can do this from your own system with few clicks. According to Wikipedia "Encryption is the most effective way to achieve data security. To read an encrypted file, you must have access to a secret key or password that enables you to decrypt it. Unencrypted data is called plain text ; encrypted data is referred to as cipher text". Encryption of files makes it harder for the third parties to read them.
2. Now select properties from the menu.
3. On the General tab click on Advanced.
4. Tick the box next to "Encrypt Contents To Secure Data".
5. Click on OK.
7. Use Of Updated Browser
It's very easy for the hackers to compromise your computer if you are using an outdated browser. The reason it that it's not updated to the latest threats, viruses which enables hackers to easily break your security. The main reason of update in a browser is to improve your internet security. There might be some bugs in your browser which hackers can see easily to get into your system. So it's always advised to update your browser as soon as update is made available.
6. Use Of Updated Software
If you will ask about the most overlooked security threats to computers then it's the use of out dated software. Almost all the software's uses internet to know about the latest thing available for the user but if you are not updated to latest version of software then it's the easiest thing for any hacker to compromise your system using "back doors" technique. So update your software as soon as it notifies you about it.
5. Use Of Updated Antivirus
If you are using outdated definitions of antivirus then your system is not protected to new viruses, malwares. Dozens of new viruses, malwares and spywares are found per day and new definitions are made to remove them. If you are not updated to those definitions then you might not be able to fight against new viruses. It is advised to update your antivirus once a week. Some antivirus offers definitions regularly each day which is quiet awesome.
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4. Full Scan Once A Week
Some users are in a habit of using updated antivirus but not in a habit of scanning their computer regularly. If you are a regular user of internet then it's always advised to run a full scan using your antivirus program once a week.
3. Protection Of Internet Connection
It's really amazing how the use of internet has increased so much. This has been made possible only because of technology. But with the new technology the thing of consideration is security of internet connection. If your internet connection is not protected then anyone can use your internet data and also can access your system easily using the hacking tools available. Choose a strong password to secure your internet connection such as wireless broadband.
2. Safe Browsing
Sade browsing is also an essential feature to stay secure. Some people are in a habit of visiting new websites, clicking on advertisement which enables hackers to get into your system. Those sticky ads can be a prank which can harm your system to a large extent. While all the websites online are not secure, some of them are filled with viruses such as Trojans. When you visit these websites viruses becomes active and reaches to your system. So it is advised to stay active while browsing and not to click on anything that looks suspicious.
1. Avoid Downloading
Biggest source of viruses, malwares and spywares is the files which you download from the internet illegally. Almost all those files are filled with threats which are hidden to you. Only an updated version of antivirus can look for them. Always try to avoid illegal downloading and scan every file which you download from a trusted source. Also check about the reputation of the website from which you are downloading the files. You can use either avast browser extension or McAfee web protection to check when a website is free from viruses or not.
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Tips To Improve Internet Safety
Below is a list of verified, trustable and easy to use tips & tricks which you can use to improve security of internet and computer.10. Enable Your Firewall
Some of my readers might be unaware about firewall. What is Firewall? This question might be arising if you have read first tip to improve your security. Basically firewall is a system that has rights to control incoming and outgoing network traffic based on the applied rule set (Wikipedia). A firewall establishes a barrier between a trusted, secure internal network and another network (e.g., the internet) that is assumed not to be secure and trusted.
Firewall is one of the best internet safety tips. If you are using firewall on your system then you are stopping people to enter in your computer from outside your location. A firewall stops software and all those programs accessing internet from your system. All the computers and laptops come with firewall. Firewall is active as default but you should regularly check for it.
How To Enable Firewall On Your System
1. Search for Windows Firewall on your system, open it.2. Now look for Turn Windows Firewall on or off.
3. Open this option and then enable your firewall if it's disabled.
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9. Use Of Password
Password is a must thing if we are talking about security. If you shop often online then it's essential that your account password should not be this much simple that anyone can hack it easily. It's always advised that you must create separate passwords for every account that you make online. Use of strong password minimizes the risk up to 50-60%. A strong password should be a mix up of alpha numeric capitals and special characters. Such as 98Po245??RT can be an example of strong password. Make your password this much strong that it can't be break easily.
8. Encrypt Files
Encrypting of files increases your safety and you can do this from your own system with few clicks. According to Wikipedia "Encryption is the most effective way to achieve data security. To read an encrypted file, you must have access to a secret key or password that enables you to decrypt it. Unencrypted data is called plain text ; encrypted data is referred to as cipher text". Encryption of files makes it harder for the third parties to read them.
How To Encrypt A File
1. Select the file and right click on it.2. Now select properties from the menu.
3. On the General tab click on Advanced.
4. Tick the box next to "Encrypt Contents To Secure Data".
5. Click on OK.
7. Use Of Updated Browser
It's very easy for the hackers to compromise your computer if you are using an outdated browser. The reason it that it's not updated to the latest threats, viruses which enables hackers to easily break your security. The main reason of update in a browser is to improve your internet security. There might be some bugs in your browser which hackers can see easily to get into your system. So it's always advised to update your browser as soon as update is made available.
6. Use Of Updated Software
If you will ask about the most overlooked security threats to computers then it's the use of out dated software. Almost all the software's uses internet to know about the latest thing available for the user but if you are not updated to latest version of software then it's the easiest thing for any hacker to compromise your system using "back doors" technique. So update your software as soon as it notifies you about it.
5. Use Of Updated Antivirus
If you are using outdated definitions of antivirus then your system is not protected to new viruses, malwares. Dozens of new viruses, malwares and spywares are found per day and new definitions are made to remove them. If you are not updated to those definitions then you might not be able to fight against new viruses. It is advised to update your antivirus once a week. Some antivirus offers definitions regularly each day which is quiet awesome.
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4. Full Scan Once A Week
Some users are in a habit of using updated antivirus but not in a habit of scanning their computer regularly. If you are a regular user of internet then it's always advised to run a full scan using your antivirus program once a week.
3. Protection Of Internet Connection
It's really amazing how the use of internet has increased so much. This has been made possible only because of technology. But with the new technology the thing of consideration is security of internet connection. If your internet connection is not protected then anyone can use your internet data and also can access your system easily using the hacking tools available. Choose a strong password to secure your internet connection such as wireless broadband.
2. Safe Browsing
Sade browsing is also an essential feature to stay secure. Some people are in a habit of visiting new websites, clicking on advertisement which enables hackers to get into your system. Those sticky ads can be a prank which can harm your system to a large extent. While all the websites online are not secure, some of them are filled with viruses such as Trojans. When you visit these websites viruses becomes active and reaches to your system. So it is advised to stay active while browsing and not to click on anything that looks suspicious.
1. Avoid Downloading
Biggest source of viruses, malwares and spywares is the files which you download from the internet illegally. Almost all those files are filled with threats which are hidden to you. Only an updated version of antivirus can look for them. Always try to avoid illegal downloading and scan every file which you download from a trusted source. Also check about the reputation of the website from which you are downloading the files. You can use either avast browser extension or McAfee web protection to check when a website is free from viruses or not.
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