Hey folks, today we're having a great offer for all of you. You're connected with us since one year. Now it's time to offer some free stuff to you. You might have heard about Zbigz. So we've decided to offer Zbigz premium accounts for free. If you using torrent client such as UTorrent or BitTorrent then you're surely fed up from the low downloading speed. The reason behind low downloading speed is simple, you don't receive proper amount of seeding and leaching. So most of the users prefer Zbigz to download torrent files directly via Internet download manager (IDM) with high-speed.

But as you know that there are some limitations of free account. You can download torrent file up to a size limit of 1GB only also there is a speed limitation. I have tried them lots of time and the maximum speed which I received from them was 130KB/s. So if you want to remove these limitations then you'll have to go for premium account.
Everyone can't afford Zbigz premium account so we're sharing Zbigz premium account login details for free. These Zbigz premium account user name and password details are available for all of my readers but for limited time only. So grab the deal as soon as possible.

But as you know that there are some limitations of free account. You can download torrent file up to a size limit of 1GB only also there is a speed limitation. I have tried them lots of time and the maximum speed which I received from them was 130KB/s. So if you want to remove these limitations then you'll have to go for premium account.
Everyone can't afford Zbigz premium account so we're sharing Zbigz premium account login details for free. These Zbigz premium account user name and password details are available for all of my readers but for limited time only. So grab the deal as soon as possible.
What Is Zbigz ?
It's a service which allows you to download torrent files directly with your browser or Internet download manager. They literally offer high-speed downloading speed with resuming ability.Comparison Between Zbigz Free And Premium Account
- Maximum caching speed [Free-No] [Premium-Yes]
- Download speed [Free-150KB/s] [Premium-U/L]
- Maximum size of file [Free-1GB] [Premium-U/L]
- Files available for [Free-7 Days] [Premium-U/L]
- No. of simultaneous downloads [Free-2] [Premium-U/L]
- Number of files in storage [Free-2] [Premium-U/L]
- Files cached only if you are on the site [Free-Yes] [Premium-No]
- Ads are visible [Free-Yes] [Premium-No]
How To Get Zbigz Premium Account For Free
Just follow the steps by step guide to download account details for free.- First of all download Zbigz account user name and password from the below link. (Password and User name Are Keep On Updating)
Link Not Working? Try Any Of The Mirror Link Below
- Go to Zbigz.com
- Login with your account detail. That's it.
- Now if you wanna download a file then simply upload a torrent file and click on Go button.
- It will catch the torrent and make available its direct link to download with browser or IDM.
So this was all about Zbigz free premium account. This offer is for limited time only for our readers, so grab the deal as soon as possible. If you have any doubt then feel free to leave a comment below in the comment section.