lunes, 6 de julio de 2015

[Infograph] Android Lollipop vs iOS 8 Comparison

No mobile operating system can be called perfect, because each one has its own unique features and functionalities. You can find many mobile OS in the tech industry, but two major rivals Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS are giving each other a tough competition. In this rivalry, It has become quite hard to choose between them. 
Image Credit : Flickr

Google and Apple, both are continuously striving to be the winner of this never ending game of Android and iOS and recently they have released the latest updates Lollipop and iOS 8 with a bucket of new features and design improvements. 

If you are thinking to buy a new smart-phone or want to know more about these major smart-phone platforms, then you have landed on the right place. This infographic illustrates the incredible journey of Android and iOS from their initial release to the latest update along with their key features, release date and version names. 

Incredible Journey of Android and iOS

This section will let you know about the whole journey of Android and iOS, key features, first release and many more. 
  • Android lollipop
This section will give you the brief overview of Lollipop along with its important features and improvements over Android’s previous versions. Some of the advanced features includes: -
  1. No need of external app for flashlight
  2. Color conversion for blind persons
  3. Access notification panel without unlocking the device
  4. Search any setting items with the search bar
  5. Enhanced battery saver
  • iOS 8
This section will illustrate a list of iOS 8 features. Some of them are listed below: -
  1. No need to enter the credit card number for online purchase
  2. Phone calls over Wi-Fi
  3. Shut down the app which is consuming more battery power
  4. Auto deletion of old messages after 30 days or one year
  5. Recover the accidentally deleted photos
Mobile App development Insight - Android Lollipop vs iOS8
Image courtesy: Nine Hertz
The infographic is designed and developed by Nine Hertz. From this infographic, you can analyze your requirements and features that you want to see in your new smart-phone.

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