jueves, 3 de julio de 2014

7 Best Rated Whatsapp Alternatives

No Doubt Whatsapp was the highly rated messaging app ever. It spread everywhere like the fire. It is the most trusted messaging app by Smartphone users ever. Currently Whatsapp messenger is available for iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia. Latest news sources indicates that Whatsapp has reached 500 million users. But after the recent aquisition of Whatsaap by
Facebook Smartphone users faced several problem. It was down for a huge time, sometimes last seen and online status of users also faced problems.

Whatsapp Alternatives
Whatsapp Alternatives
In recent days Faceook added one more feature to Whatsapp; you can hide your "Last Seen" many autohrity were against it. So i have found some cool alternatives to Whatsapp, these aternatives will provide all the feature that you are missing on Whatsapp and not only those features much more than Whatsapp.

Hike Messenger: -
The most popular messaging app after Whatsapp; reason is the features provided by it. Hike messenger offers a huge variety of features. Till some days before it was providing free-talktime of Rs.20 which was the main reason of it's popularity. You was paid Rs.20 for every user who joins Hike through your invitation. Hike offers several features which Whatsapp is not providing like Free Hike2SMS in India,  Bigger File Attachment; you can share files up to 100MB each, Cool Stickers and much more. Currently 500 million plus users are using Hike Messenger.

If you are fed up from Whatsapp then you should go for Hike Messenger, it will be the best alternative.

Hike Messenger
Hike Messenger

Facebook Messenger: -
You might be familier with this app if you use social networking website Facebook. No doubt Facebook is one of the top ranking website, a huge amount of crowd uses Facebook Messenger due to it is owned by Facebook. Facebook Messenger is packed with many features like Chat Heads, Group Conversion and recently launched free Voice Calls between friends who are on Messenger. It is available for all the major platforms iPhone, Android, Windows Phone.
Facebook Messenger
Facebook Messenger

We Chat: -
Next app in our category is We Chat. The app similar to Whatsapp but with lots of much more features than Whatsapp. Features loaded in We Chat are Crystal Clear Voice and Audio Calls, Real Walkie Talkie Mode with up to 40 friends, Share, Like and Comment on your friends photos, It is also available for all the majr platforms. Currently 300 million plus  users are using We Chat.

We Chat
We Chat

BBM: -
Black Berry Messenger or BBM has been listed at position 3rd in our category. It is one of the oldest and no doubt most popular messaging app. Earlier it was available only for Blackberry smartphones only, but recently BBM launched its services for iPhone and Android also. It has been said that soon it will be launched for Windows Phone also. CEo John Chen has announced that BBM will be available for Windows Phone till July, 2014. 

It is packed with some cool features like Know The Delivery ('D') and Read ('R') of message, Allows your friends to view your location live on Map, Emotions for each and every mood and also BBM pins for you so that your friends can find you easily.


Viber: -
Spread like fire after the launching. It is similar to We Chat if we talk about features, but has stylish working interface. It allows you to create group conversation easily, easy video calling, Ability to recorder stikers and offers high performance. 


Line: -
One of the strongest competitor to many available messaging apps.
It started with just only 10 million users and now having a huge amount of users. The features offered by Line are you can send audio, Video , messaging and also you can have a Voice call or a Video conference right from your smart phone. It's available for all the major platforms.


Telegram: -
Last but not the least and also one of the most popular messaging app. It was released recently. Its similar to Whatsapp in features but with improvement. Telegram offers a high security and is freely available. Security features like encrypted data, self destructor for messages. Your whole data is stored on cloud which is fully sercured. The best thing which it offer is Ads free, it is totally free for use.

Go for any of these messaging app, all all top rated app. You will surely find one which will be a good alternative to Whatsapp.


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