miércoles, 30 de julio de 2014

Trick To Post Happy Birthday Wishes Automatically On Facebook

Facebook is the largest social network in the world and also the top ranking website. It connects millions of users worldwide to each other. Facebook has made the concept of sharing more comfortable and secure. Users can find all the types of information on Facebook easily. Now they don’t need to find different platforms for sharing photos, videos, and thoughts. Mark Zuckerberg has made it available to find at one place that is Facebook.
Auto Posting Of Birthday Wishes
Auto Posting Of Birthday Wishes
Facebook provides many features such as message, status update, poke, write on friend’s wall and wish birthday to your friends. As we know there are millions of users connected through Facebook. Most of them use Facebook for connecting with friends and business. While some of them are in habit to make lots of new friends. And as you know Facebook allows you to wish your friends Happy Birthday. So sometimes it becomes difficult to wish each and every Facebook friend. It can be due to shortage of time or you can also forget about your friend’s birthday. If something like this happens with you then just chill. I will help you to wish happy birthday to each and every Facebook friend in a simple and easy to use method.
There is a site birthdayFB through which you can configure auto posting of happy birthday wishes to your friends. The thing that is interesting about this trick is that your friends won’t even know that you have used a third-party tool to post wishes on their wall. I have written the method step by step so that you can understand it easily.

Step 1: Go To birthdayFBYou can see the screenshot of birthdayFB below. It provides you a simple and easy to use interface. Just three steps and then you are done. So simple it is.


Step 2: Click On Connect With Facebook. It will ask you to allow permission for receiving specific information of your Facebook id such as your profile, friend list, email address and your friend’s birthday. Don’t take tension, it’s not spam. Just click on Okay.

Allow Permission_1
Allow Permission_1

Step 3: Now it will ask you again for permission that is wall posting on your behalf about this app, simply click on Okay

Allow Permission_2
Allow Permission_2

Step 4: This will show up the home page of birthdayFB. You will see a complete list of upcoming birthdays. Just choose the friend for which you want to set up auto posting of birthday wishes. Click on the Arrow at the right corner of your friend and select Write Message.

Write Message
Write Message

Step 5: Now you will be having two options either you can write your own birthday wishes or choose from the available one. After writing just simply click on Save button. This will schedule auto posting of your birthday wishes on your friend’s wall. You can do this for all your friends.

Message Options
Message Options

If you want to see the scheduled messages then just go at Scheduled Messages. If you want to remove any scheduled message then you can do it from Scheduled Messages.

Default time of wall posting is set to 9am-11am. You can change it from Preferences menu easily. If you want to unlink your account or wanna delete it then you can do it from Preferences menu.


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