sábado, 30 de mayo de 2015

100+ Best Funny, Clever Wi-Fi Router Names

You might have tried to connect with your neighbor's Wi-Fi in your life at least for once. Did you notice Wi-Fi router name? Was that funny? If not then it's time to surprise your neighbors with some clever, funny Wi-Fi router name. Hundreds of time I have noticed clever, funny, aggressive, hilarious and cool wi-fi names. Some creative people are in a habit to make their wi-fi name funny. If you will keep on noticing wi-fi names then you'll surely get amazed with cool Wi-fi names. 

This will make you so much curious that you will start looking for more and more funny wi-fi names. After having a keen study at the Internet I am having a collection of some cool, funny, aggressive, hilarious and best Wi-Fi names for you. Below is a complete list just check them out and amaze people with the most interesting router name.

Best Funny, Clever Wi-Fi Router Names

  1. Virus Infected WiFi
  2. Go Home Tourists
  3. Will U Marry Me?
  4. Total Hear
  5. Hide Yo Kids Hide Yo WiFi
  6. BuyAnotherCupYouCheapSkate
  7. Don't Touch My Daughter
  8. I'm Touching Your Daughter-g...
  9. Satan Rocks My Socks
  10. God Is Our Rock. He'll Save You !
  11. Free CeX
  12. Protected CeX
  13. Unprotected CeX
  14. Yummy
  15. You Kids Get Off My LAN
  16. Friendly Neighborhood Spider-LAN
  17. Skynet Global Defense Network
  18. I’m cheating on my WiFi
  19. Help, I’m Trapped in a Router!
  20. A Van Down By The River
  21. A LANnister Always Surfs The Net
  22. Series of Tubes
  23. Go Go Gadget Internet
  24. I am the Internet, AMA
  25. The Promised LAN
  26. Mom, Click Here for Internet
  27. Abraham Linksys
  28. The LAN Before Time
  29. It Burns When IP
  30. Troy and Abed in the Modem
  31. Bill Wi, the Science Fi
  32. Pretty Fly for a Wi-Fi
  33. FBI Surveillance Van #594
  34. LAN of Milk and Honey
  35. WI-FIght the inevitable?
  36. Silence of the LAN
  37. New England Clam Router
  38. Wi believe I can Fi
  39. Occam’s Router
  40. Get off My LAN!
  41. Click Here for Viruses
  42. Router? I hardly knew her!
  43. Wu-Tang LAN
  44. I Can Haz Wireless?
  45. Drop it like it’s Hotspot
  46. Look Ma, No Wires!
  47. All Your Bandwidth Belong to Us
  48. Network Not Found
  49. LANdo Calrissian
  50. Wi-Fi Network? Why Not Zoidberg?
  51. 2 Girls, 1 Router
  52. Y No You Get WiFi?
  53. I Pronounce you Man and WiFi
  54. Keep it on the Download
  55. I’m Under Your Bed
  56. Ermahgerd, Wi-Fi!
  57. 99 problems, but WiFi ain't one
  58. DHARMA Initiative – Station 4 (for Lost fans)
  59. The Wireless-G Spot
  60. Please Connect for Identity Theft
  61. The Net starring Sandra Bullock
  62. Feel Like Flying
  63. Bring Beer And Women To 40.2
  64. NoFreeInternetHereKeepLooking
  65. NoFreeSoGetStuffed
  66. This Is Not Free Either
  67. Call Me Maybe
  68. My Neighbors Suck
  69. Hogwarts Great Hall WiFi 
  70. Blue M&Ms
  71. Virus Distribution Center
  72. SlowInternetSlowFap
  73. 2Girls1DormRoom
  74. Child Toucher
  75. Bill Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!
  76. 404 Network Unavailable
  77. I Have WiFi And You Don't
  78. Bad Error 313: Disconnect
  79. Super Thanks For Asking
  80. Use This One Mom
  81. Pretty Fly For A Wi-Fi
  82. Router, I Hardly Know Her
  83. We Use Sky22981 To Download Pron
  84. You Pay Now
  85. Get Your Own Damn Internet
  86. My Own Damn Internet
  87. Internet Costs $
  88. Our Internet Is Faster Than Yours
  89. YourBabyIsReallyUgly
  90. YourDogShitsInMyYard
  91. Caitlin Stop Using Our Internet !
  92. Guys Please Stop Fighting
  93. IveSeenYouNaked
  94. Really, asshole? Curry again?
  95. Searching...
  96. PorqueFi
  97. Two Girls One Router
  98. TellMyWifiLoveHer
  99. LANDownUnder
  100. (.) (.)
  101. I'm Under Your Bed
  102. ouch...sat on my nutz
So this was all about best funniest ever wifi names. Enjoy and if you have any cool router name then feel free to mention it in the comment section below.

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