viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

[How To] Add Twitter Feeds Widget In Blogger

If we are looking for quality traffic then twitter is the most powerful and considered social media network. Twitter help both users and bloggers to interact with each other. Bloggers stay in touch with huge audience through twitter. It's a great platform with millions of active users. Once you have got thousands of followers then you can easily promote your brand through it. 

Now a days bloggers are integrating social media buttons in their website/blog to gain traffic through shares. You can find different twitter plug-ins which can be easily implemented on your blog. The most popular one is twitter feed widget and below we're explaining how you can integrate twitter feeds widget in your blog.

How To Add Twitter Feeds Widget In Blogger

It's an official widget developed by twitter itself. You can easily add it in any website to convert you blog visitors into your followers. This widget simply shows recent tweets from the users of your account. It contains the follow button at the top right corner which can help you to increase your followers. Apart from this it contains one tweet box at the bottom from where anyone can tweet you without logging into the official twitter website. Also you can re-tweet or favorite any tweet. Below is a step by step process to add twitter feeds widget in blogger.

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  • Fill your user name.
  • Go through the options "Exclude replies" & "Auto-expand photos", check or uncheck them according to your need.
  • Provide custom height to the widget or use the default one.
  • Use theme Light or Dark.
  • After all the setup is complete, go through the preview section to see how your widget will look.
  • If you're OK with the widget then simply click on "Create Widget".
  • Copy the HTML code shown below the widget and click on "Save Changes".

  • Now just go to Blogger>>Layout>>Add A Widget.
  • Choose HTML/JavaScript.
  • Paste the copied HTML code in the box and click on Save.

So this was all about how to add twitter feeds widget in blogger. This awesome widget will provide looking to your blog along with increment in twitter followers. Your blog users can directly contact with you. If you face any problem regarding implementation of this widget then feel free to leave a comment below in the comment section.

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